Metal, the spirit of the sword

Last year by the fire in the sacred place I was living I was learning deeper, the metals. Here I’ve been deeply learning smithing, I just finished my first ring. Its a beautiful process of patience and calm creation. The ring is snakes and stars, silver with a stone set.

As I left to the atalier today I found a snake in my path. It wasnt alive so I hid it in the forest. On my way home I picked it up and the locals who saw me do that think im even more crazy


. I feel more and more at home here, there is something about the smiles.

For many years I download through visions, jewellery from what seems a mix of ancient and modern things from other worlds. I love it its so very real to me and there is something so beautiful of creating melting metals and the feelings. The feelings of working the metal. the fire and there’s deeper magic. The feelings are not always good, there is ancient trauma. Through my journey and the medicine of life I feel these traumas lead to truth, to love as long as we are in a calm and regulated place to integrate them.

I’m fascinated by what feels like a new medicine that I have somehow always known. In any craft and art the creativity, the sensual energy that flows and grows is full of messages. its a reciprocal journey of creating and feeling, discovering. Im finding deeper my sacred crafts and developing them.

As I work deeper with the elements and how they bring balance, I love to integrate metal. Its something I began to realise was really an essential element for me as I learned to love kung fu. Metal is an energy that cuts through, sets boundaries, yet is solid and calm with changeability..

Its about clear direction, decision, for me and I’ve been really learning about that too. As I’m learning forms of dance, and when I’m not clear, really clear with my movement when I’m leading, others don’t see the messages. When I’m clear people know where they are and are much more empowered to be in their body and dance too. Wow that message runs through all life ! And how we can feel empowered, regulated and in a place of embodied choice.

now I journey deeper and deeper into this element how it feels. And I find an inner calm a truth and realise to go deeper into that truth brings more strength. Something happened this week possibly due to astrology and gateways that has opened me from what I thought was where I was going to seeing Im already being. Grateful.

Heres the journeys with the elements I offer so far Im feeling there will be an addition to these practices as metal for me seems to be such a connecting element, a conductor.…/

I give great thanks that life through the prayer I live is always guiding the way, these ways bring such deeper inner soul balance for me in all Im here to be and transform.Im also loving being in a creative workshop, learning being cheeky. Learning alot more spanish and local swearwords to get me through this life in the cheekyest way possible.


Happy Lammas time all xx